Through the Same Door:
Inclusion Includes College
A Film by Paul Rossen
Winner of the 2006 TASH Image Award for
the Positive Portrayal of People with Disabilities
(25 minute DVD captioned for the hard of hearing and the deaf.)
Meet Micah Fialka-Feldman, a man who knows what he wants.
In many ways Micah enjoys a typical life: making friends, participating in college activities, and volunteering in the community and in politics. Less typically, he travels the country speaking. But for all of his life, there have been people telling him that he could not have a regular life.
Micah has a intellectual disability.
This inspiring film documents the new movement of fully inclusive education by exploring Micah´s desire for a life without boundaries. As a high school student, Micah wanted the college experience and he got it. See how it's done, learn how it works, and witness how Micah´s journey challenges us all to reexamine what we believe possible.
Through the Same Door has been selected for the
2008 Picture This Film Festival in Calgary, Canada
“Through the Same Door: Inclusion Includes College is the story of what is possible when one is believed in and encouraged to chase a dream, in this case, the dream of higher education. The beauty of this DVD is that it doesn´t simply chronicle one man´s journey. The viewer has the opportunity to hear testimony and witness the transformation experienced by others who have the privilege of having Micah as part of their lives. Micah Fialka-Feldman is changing the way people think and feel about those of us living with disabilities. He is, to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, “being the change he wishes to see in the world.”
-Dan Wilkins, The Nth Degree
“This documentary gives others a realistic view into the life of someone who has a lot to teach us. It´s a model that needs to be shared with teachers, students, human service workers and professors. It is an inspiring film about inclusion, transition and the importance of on-going support in a student's life. As someone working for a CIL (Center For Independent Living), I feel that Micah's story is an example which helps others achieve their fullest potential . . . whatever that might be. It's an example of the type of self-determination and self-advocacy that can make a difference in all of our lives. I will continue to share this wonderful film with teachers, parents, and students as they choose their paths in life.”
-Jessie Olson, Transition Specialist
Disability Network-Northern Michigan
“Micah exemplifies personal empowerment. Micah doesn't just look at dreams or goals, he accomplishes them and teaches others along the way. Coming form an organization that emphasizes leadership development, Micah serves as an educator to us. The views and perspectives of this young leader will influence all of us. Ready or not, here he comes! Watch this DVD and see for yourself.”
-Betsy Valnes, Executive Director, National Youth Leadership Network
“This is a very moving video about a young man with his family's support and vision living life to its fullest with considerable challenges. Micah and his parents and teachers show the rest of us how possible and wonderful inclusion done with the proper supports can be. I watched this twice soaking up the wisdom and warm feelings and getting a vision of a kinder, gentler world that values each and every person.”
-Robert Naseef, author of Special Children, Challenged Parents The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child with a Disability Robert A. Naseef, Alternative Choices
“Micah shows us all not only what is possible in his future, but what should be possible for all students. He is charming, funny, and thinks outside the box. He has a lot to teach us all about what is possible in life. This video will open your eyes to these possibilities.”
-Meg Grigal, Ph.D., co-author of Transition Services for Students with Significant Disabilities in College and Community Settings
“This is a must-see film for self-advocates, families, and educators alike. Micah's story illustrates what is possible when we move from a deficit model of disability into a model of hope, risk, opportunity, and dreams.”
-Paula Kluth, Ph.D, author of You're Going to Love This Kid: Educating Students with Autism in Inclusive Classrooms
“This video shows us living, breathing inclusion in action. A must-see for all students, teachers, and parents. I plan to show it to all of the future teachers in my courses to deepen their commitment to inclusion. Thank you for making this film. We all need it.”
-Mara Sapon-Shevin, Ed.D., Professor, Syracuse University. Author of Because We Can Change the World: A practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom Communities and the forthcoming Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms
“What a lesson in high expectations! Awesome!”
-Jane Winstead, Director of Transition Services,
Tennessee Department of Education
“College??? Wondering if it's possible? Wondering what it's like? Micah is a young dynamic leader I have had the privilege of knowing for several years. He is a pioneer, a trend setter, a writer, a young man who has political acumen and the courage to live his dreams. He is a college student. He also has some labels. But you need to SEE Micah in college . . . and then you too can dream—and perhaps, just perhaps, turn someone else's dream into reality. Meet Micah. Let him show you how.”
-Jack Pearpoint, Inclusion Press
“This DVD is exceedingly compelling. Micah has such a winning way. I was captivated by his effective self-advocacy and his family's support. This DVD needs to be in the hands of young people with disabilities, families, transition coordinators, teachers, and advocacy organizations.”
-Ann Turnbull, PhD, Co-Director of Beach Center on Disabilities and Families, University of Kansas
“I loved watching this DVD. It is so clear, focused, and positive. There is a sense of ease that comes through that is reassuring for many. It makes the seemingly impossible, possible. I look forward to using this DVD in my classes at St. Michael's College.”
-Mary Beth Doyle, PhD, St. Michael´s College, VT