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Micah's Favorite Links

This is by no means a "complete" list. Feel free to email Micah if you think something should be on this list!

Kids as Self Advocates (KASA) Kids as Self Advocates — National grassroots project created by youth with disabilities for youth

National Youth Leadership Network — The National Voice for Young Leaders with Disabilities

The Nth Degree — A catalog by Dan Wilkins of great articles, buttons, t-shirts, posters, etc. and the quote: “A community that excludes even one of its members is not a community at all” (this poster hangs in Micah's dorm room)

Michigan Youth Leadership Forum - A leadership training program for high school junior and seniors with disabilities

Norman Kunc and Emmma Van der Klift -- Great articles on disability and inclusion, the DVD: Credo for Support and Micah´s mom´s poem “Puddles to PRIDE”

ThinkCollege! — The best place to learn about colleges for individuals with intellectual disabilities

Transition to College — Information and resources on college options for students with intellectual disabilities

Communities of Power — A great source of information about issues of importance in Michigan's Disability Community

Disability Social History Project — A community resource history project that provides information about famous activists in the disability movement, a disability history timeline, and other related information

Inclusion Press International — Resources, materials, books, and workshops on inclusion, Circle of Friends, MAPs, PATHS, and other related information.

Dance of Partnership — Information on the dance of partnership between parents of children with disabilities and professionals who work with them.

Peak PEAK Parent Center provides training, information and technical assistance to equip families of children birth through twenty-six including all disability conditions with strategies to advocate successfully for and with their children.